May 23Liked by BrianAlfred1983

I don't think I've ever eaten any really weird meat, although I might have blocked some of that out. I know I've had cricket flour, but that was very processed.

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People do things they thought they’d never do when it comes to survival. In

my younger years I was more adventurous with what I was willing to sample. I lived to tell about it.

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May 26Liked by BrianAlfred1983

Living in China, I’ve eaten: donkey (quite common); snake (in a special soup, as a friend’s guest); scorpion (likewise); frogs (very bony); grasshoppers (barbecued, very tasty); cicadas; and on one memorable occasion, I have indeed eaten dog, though not by choice. I was having a farewell meal with friends and halfway though the meal, my friend’s husband was like, “Are there foods you haven’t tried? Have you tried dog?”

I said I hadn’t tried it, and no amount of persuasion could then stop him from ordering it (we happened to be in a restaurant which had it on the menu - the vast majority of restaurants don’t). So I had to try it, because they were treating me to dinner and it would be rude not to. It had a very strong gamey flavour. I don’t have a moral objection to eating dog, but I didn’t really enjoy it.

I’ve not seen horse meat on menus here, but it’s a vast country and it probably is eaten in areas with more horses. I’ve eaten horse in France, where it is relatively common.

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Thank you for your perspective on this topic, very interesting indeed. I hadn't thought about donkey although it makes sense. I have had grasshopper sauteed with some garlic and lemongrass, frogs yes definitely bony, we sometimes hunt for them here on the riverbanks.

If someone bought me dinner and it just happened to be dog, I would, out of respect give it a shot, after all I have always been curious about the flavor.

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I'm with you. I don't think I could eat those rodent type of critters unless I had no other food. And as far as pets are concerned, I don't know if I could eat them under any circumstances. My beloved German shepherd was my best friend . I hope I never have to find out if I could do it or not.

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